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On the topic of the adult industry...

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July 28, 2012
Posts: 7

PostPosted:     Post subject: On the topic of the adult industry...
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First off, let me start by saying that i worked in adult stores/"sex shops" for over 7 years, not a great accomplishment mind you, but i feel it puts me in a better position to present the opinions below than most. So keep in mind this is coming from someone who worked "the front lines of adult retail" and not just some shmuck with baseless opinions.

I think for the transgender community to be "up in arms" over the adult industry "exploiting" them is utterly ridiculous. From working day in and day out around true addicts. You come to learn as much as the women/men in the industry are used for their s----l acts, the consumer is ultimately the one that is repeatedly used. Some of these actors/actresses will be in and out (pun intended) of the adult industry in a matter of a few years, and while yes, that can be a bit psychologically damaging keep in mind it was a conscious CHOICE to make movies and do shoots. THERE ARE ALWAYS ALTERNATIVES TO ----OGRAPHY. Am i an opponent of ----ography? Absolutely not, for MOST people it is a outlet for s----l fantasy, and for a sad few their only real s----l outlet.
NOW, back to the transgender angle. Transwomen/men are no different than their genetic male/female counterparts. The same decisions apply to ALL individuals. So saying "all those girls that do those transsexual/-------/------- movies are ruining my life!" is much the same argument "normal straight women" make on the daily. Why doesn't anyone speak up for the gay men? These movies just as readily paint them as dominating & abusive, or submissive little "manwhores". I don't see anyone rushing to their defense. The point is ---- is not, and never will be reality. THAT is the very reason people watch and enjoy it. A brief disconnect from the reality they mean to escape if even for a few moments.
Also, a point i would like to make is through the years i watched as trans---- came out of the "obscure fetish" category into a more mainstream light. Over the years more and more people have started picking it up, and getting introduced to something they had only heard is hushed voices and rumors. I'm not saying it's the norm, but it is fast becoming more a norm in said circles. Sure you can look at this as a bad thing given they use horrendously offensive terminology for the community. But you must also keep in mind most of the adult industry is run by straight people just looking to make a quick buck. So i'll just say that yes, in a way trans---- does (much like most ----) perpetuate negative stereotypes, in a way it's also helping to normalize an area of the s----l paradigm that has been shrouded in taboos & secrecy for pretty much ever. So get mad at these men/women who perform if you wish, but in their own way they're helping to normalize a community that most people either never knew existed or scoffed at.
Do i agree with the terminology used to describe the men/women of the trans community?
Do i think it could be more tastefully done?
Well, sure, but it's ----, so that's kind of like asking Hollywood to make action movies without gun violence.

Just please, stop with the "---- ruins everything" diatribes i have to read on the regular. Sure, it's probably brought in more creeps than desirables, but it's all a painful growth process society must go through before you reach REAL acceptance.
And with that, i leave you to your spiteful replies. Remember, this is only ONE MAN's opinion.

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`Well as far as I'm thinking if you don't like it don't watch it...I personally know Gina Sweets and her family...She did ---- because that is what she wanted to do for fun and a few kicks...When she deceided no more she quit..Simple...If you want your rights then you can't very well infinge upon
someone elses....

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